Keynote Speeches

Cosmic Kindness: How to Build Cultures of Care that Bring Teams Together

What would our future look like if we put kindness at the center of our universe?

Building on the themes in his bestselling book, In Kind: Consciously Craft a Meaningful Life and Career, Michael will teach you in cosmic terms how to build the habit of kindness in the workplace, pursue effective collaboration, balance your ego, and chase curiosity about teammates, all in pursuit of accomplishing common goals while living your values. 

You’ll learn how to create a culture where people see dysfunction as an opportunity to build a stronger team; overcome siloed work through curiosity; and courageously recruit difficult teammates into partnership. 

By being part of this session, attendees will experience an immediately applicable shift in their ability to: 

  • See beyond the surface level of teammates, applying curiosity to be more responsive and supportive of each other

  • Speak up with courage to address and eliminate dysfunction

  • Build trust with their colleagues

  • See themselves in the context of the universe—and each other

Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash

Building the Future We Want to Live in


In this session, Michael guides participants in considering their personal power over creating a future we all desire, one in which kindness is abundant and people feel seen, heard, and valued. Using anecdotes and real-world examples of powerful change made by ordinary individuals, Michael paints a picture of how to change the world around us. Providing tangible behavioral strategies and discussing significant positive impacts that often result, he demonstrates how to make our local world better through consistent, courageous acts. 

By defining the qualities we all wish for in a better world and offering a vision of what our future could look like, Michael walks participants through key steps to cultivate that kinder, more beautiful future.

Attendees will experience an immediately applicable shift in their ability to: 

  • Mindfully consider small daily actions that can be implemented immediately to reinforce a preferred approach to work and to life. 

  • Plan for difficult situations and interactions in advance so that better outcomes are assured more often. 

  • Confidently affect corporate culture as individuals to create support for those who previously hesitated to voice key opinions on critical projects.

Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

Surpassing Your Limits and Helping Others with Theirs 


In this session, Michael guides participants through the empowering journey of surpassing personal limits and fostering connection through allyship. Through interactive activities like the Limiting Beliefs Activity and the Societal Limits Survey, attendees will confront and dismantle the barriers holding them back, gaining invaluable insights into their own potential. Michael then delves into the transformative power of allyship in the workplace, highlighting its role in creating inclusive environments where individuals can thrive. Participants will learn to recognize the power dynamics at play and how allyship can be leveraged to support marginalized voices and drive positive change within their organizations. 


Attendees will experience an immediately applicable shift in their ability to: 

  • Identify and mitigate the damage caused by personal limiting beliefs during important conversations. 

  • Identify and harness the positives of their limiting beliefs to embrace their "superpowers" and become more effective in their roles. 

  • Infer others' limiting beliefs so that select topics can be approached appropriately or side-stepped altogether, thus helping others engage more fully in important conversations. 

  • Understand allyship through the lens of limiting beliefs so they can enhance the performance of others who were previously disconnected. 

Photo by Cam Adams on Unsplash

Understanding Hidden Forces at Work


In this session, Michael unravels and reveals hidden forces at work. Through practical strategies, participants learn how to overcome feelings of disorientation in new roles, fostering confidence and adaptability. Michael delves into the art of building effective teams and networks, emphasizing the importance of curiosity and alignment in driving success. Attendees gain insights into navigating difficult situations with grace and resilience, equipping them with the tools needed to thrive in challenging environments.

Attendees will experience an immediately applicable shift in their ability to: 

  • Navigate unfamiliar roles and new team dynamics when organizational shifts occur. 

  • Identify unspoken assumptions and legacy thinking within a team so that great conversations about process improvement are effective. 

  • Gain confidence in working with new teammates in uncertain conditions while keeping the team centered on mission-critical goals.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Stronger Together  

Also titled: "Ubuntu is a Boon to Any Business" 


Dive into the transformative power of inclusive teamwork practices in the workplace as seen through the lens of Ubuntu. Learn how fostering an inclusive culture cultivates authenticity and enhances productivity, innovation, and overall business performance. Learn how we are all allies to each other so that business can happen and the dangers that lie in any one of us not thinking in terms of allyship. 

Attendees will experience an immediately applicable shift in their ability to: 

1) Understand the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in fostering an authentic and high-functioning work culture. 

2) Learn how diversity positively impacts business outcomes, including productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction. 

3) See through the lens of lifting others and being a good ally. 

4) Measure their "starting point" within corporate settings so they can determine how much of a gap needs to be jumped and how much voice they start with.