We Build the Future Weekly

Are you ready to conquer the week, or do you feel worried about your strategy?

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Receive actionable, research-backed insights every Sunday to strategically create your life, one week at a time.

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Get anytime access to current and back issues of We Build the Future Weekly, an exclusive strategic guide for building a kind and fulfilling future. Plus bonus videos from Michael each month!

Each issue is hand-crafted to give you these features: 

  • Strategies for planning aspects of your next week. Since different parts of the year bring different challenges, each issue will be tailored to the specifics of the season you are in. As strategies emerge, they will be interwoven with strategies for being mindfully, insistently kind. 

  • Articles about caring for your life on four levels: Self, Family, Community, and Career. Some weeks, we will explore just one of these, but during other weeks we may work on two, three, or even all four. 

  • Citations of kindness research. You deserve to hear the latest ways to positively impact your life and the lives of those around you. If the issue is full of articles, it will also be filled with links to the research so you can dig even deeper. Suggesting strategies because they made sense in my life is great…but let's make sure the science backs it up, assuming there is research done on that topic. 

  • Stories about Kindness. Hearing how a community member applied a new kindness strategy can help you judge how to use it in your own. Stories can help us learn about the impact of kindness in a difficult workplace or in a critical family moment, so expect there could be tears, inspiration, or both. 

  • Kindness quotes. Relevant to what else is in the issue, I will bring you the best quotes about kindness. Some might feel portable and repeatable. Others might be more poetic.

    Still unsure? When you sign up to the Kindness Chronicles, you get a free teaser of an article of the type that you can find in We Build the Future Weekly.