The One Keynote Speech that Profoundly Changed Your Perspective

Date: November 18. 2024

Written by: Michael & Marc

As a keynote speaker, I have listened to thousands of hours of speeches and am familiar with what makes a speech great. I have three favorite speeches that have affected my life and changed my outlook overall. There are probably many more, but three stand out as being rememberable for me. Consider these:

  1. Shawn Achor's Ted Talk about "The Happiness Secret to Better Work" taught me that happiness infused throughout your daily experiences is the only way to live. Pushing happiness over the cognitive horizon by saying, "I will do this thing and THEN I will be happy…" kills motivation and enthusiasm, diminishes your skills and performance level, and your final outcome never looks great. Instead, we should always remember to prioritize our happiness by doing things that make us happy and by seeing what’s positive in our lives.

  2. Simon Sinek’s TEDx Talk revealed how aligning communications first to purpose and then to processes and outcomes gets you motivated properly and gets your customers excited. Talking about purpose is critical, and it's what I weave into all my thought processes about talking about kindness making a difference in the world. It’s all about involving your employees in these talks by letting them know what the company purpose is and how everyone can play their part in achieving it. When communicating about purpose, remember to listen to their input, so that they will feel heard.

  3. Rory Vaden's revelation about the Focus Funnel allows us to use our time most effectively for our purpose. It helps us save time tomorrow by creating better processes today. It’s also the foundation of kindness towards ourselves which allows us to be our best selves and put our best foot forward in the world.

These speeches have profoundly shaped my approach to work and life. They each provide a unique perspective on aligning purpose, happiness, and efficiency with our daily actions. Whether it's ensuring that happiness fuels our motivation, communicating with purpose to build stronger connections, or using time wisely to achieve our goals, the key takeaway is clear: Kindness must be central to how we operate. Prioritizing kindness to ourselves and others can transform not only our personal lives but also the workplace culture around us.

What are your favorite speeches? At your next event, I could speak to those key topics you deeply care about! Please send your suggestions to I am excited to hear your stories about speeches, what you got out of them, and how they changed your perspective on life.

Kindness Challenge

What have you learned from one or more speeches that you find most useful? Have you thought about how you can use that to impact the world in a positive direction?

Send a link to your favorite speech to three colleagues today. Maybe you will even receive a couple of speeches back in return.